Thursday, March 10, 2011

Big Ol' Announcement!

I told you it was comin'! Now you see that I am a man of my word, provided it doesn't require too darned much effort on my part.

 WELL -- here's the announcement. Uncle Norm's back at, doing something AMAZING! There's not a permanent page for it yet, but as of this writing, simply head over to and, on their main page, turn your attention to the right-hand column, right under the "happening now on 1up" panel, and you should see a little item labeled "1up's First Videogame Webcomic," featuring a tiny bit of artwork from a gentleman you may recognize.

"Wait," you may be saying, "Hasn't already hosted several videogame webcomics? Including your own, you stupid, stupid man?"

Allow me to explain. For you see, what we are offering to you now is the world's first TRUE videogame webcomic -- a webcomic that is, itself, a video game! Made by yours truly, this first installment is based on the very-good "Bioshock" franchise, and you, in true Lucasartsy Adventure Game style, have to assist a Big Daddy in coaxing a Little Sister out of her in-wall hideout.

It's a short experience, five-to-ten minutes, so you can take that much out of your busy schedules and give it a shot. And be sure to shoot off an email to your favorite editor telling 'em how much you liked it!

UPDATE: Bioshock's ACTUAL developers, Irrational Games, mentioned the game in a very positive manner on their blog! I'm kinda stoked about that. Game developers are awesome.


  1. Seems to be broken. The arrow keys don't appear to be working and there's no sound. But it does look cool. Can't wait to play it.

  2. That's the first I've heard of a problem with the keys. And there IS no sound, so that's one off the list. What kind of system and browser are you playing on?

  3. Hi Norman,

    I figured out what the problem was. My keyboard isn't standard and even though I was hitting arrow keys they weren't the right arrow keys. Go figure. Anyhow, I really enjoyed the game and hope you'll be doing more parody games in the near future.

  4. Be sure and tell the 1up staff how much you enjoyed the game -- they're using 'em as a test case to see how people react to the idea of parody games.

  5. Norm!

    Sorry, I'm guessing you've heard the Cheers reference a few times but I can never resist referencing the classics! ;)

    Anyhoo, I was wondering if you could post a link to the shout out that Irrational Games did on their blog as I did a quick Google and general search on their site but couldn't it for some reason?


  6. No problem -- here:

  7. Been a while so I didn't see these until the Racoon City one, but these?

    Pretty great. I'm impressed.
