If you're associated in any capacity with the gaming industry, the E3 expo and its associated press conferences comprise the single most significant week out of the entire year, easily edging out minor calendar blips like weddings, funerals and childbirth. The E3 expo is one of the most popular trade shows of any global business, attracting far greater crowds than even such powerhouses as the tractor manufacturing and pest control industries.
Given that the show turns out to be a minor disappointment nine times out of ten, all of this is a testament to the sheer power the gaming industry has attained in this modern age.
Before the show began, the one, big game on my radar was "Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim." Now that the show's wrapping up, that really hasn't changed. There's neat stuff coming, but nothing I saw really rocked me out of my seat. With that said, I'm keeping an eye out for several 3DS titles, particularly "Luigi's Mansion 2," which, with its natural boxy look, is about the best 3D I've seen on the system.
Console-side, of course, the big news is the Wii U, not to be confused with the U Wii. Nintendo has once again risen to the challenge of providing another odd, odd gaming interface to delight and mildly confuse us with. I'm intrigued, although with the actual release so far away, I'm content to stand a few feet away, "ook" softly, and poke it with a stick until somebody else bravely tries it first.
And... that's kind of it. It's not that I didn't see good games, I just haven't been struck by the thunderbolt that stuns me long enough for a developer to make off with my wallet, unchallenged. But, maybe that's a good thing, as perhaps I'll be able to put my savings towards a 3D set with which to more bravely enter the fray when the bigger guns are paraded.
Your turn -- what's worth seein' at this year's E3?
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